Contact us.


Phone: +34 91 624 4060

Visit us: Campus UC3M Puerta de Toledo (Ronda de Toledo, 1, Madrid, Postcode 28005).

From September to July

  • From Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7:30 pm


  • Summer closure from August 1st to 20th

  • August 20th to 30th: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm


  • Işık Özel

    MASUS Director

    Dr Işık Özel received her PhD in Political Science at the University of Washington, Seattle. Broadly situated in comparative political economy, her research focuses on the politics of institutional change, its diverse determinants and outcomes mostly in middle-income countries and Southern Europe.

  • Esteban A. Nicolini

    MASUS Director

    Dr Esteban Nicolini earned his PhD in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His research has examined economic growth and convergence between Argentina’s provinces, long-term inequality in Spain, and long-term poverty and inequality in Latin America.

  • Emiliano Travieso

    MASUS Director

    Dr Emiliano Travieso earned his PhD in Economic History from the University of Cambridge. His research centres on Latin American and comparative economic history, with a focus on the interactions between commercial agriculture and the natural environment.

  • Isabel Jiménez

    Coordination Assistant

    Isabel holds a BA in Global Studies from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and completed the MA programme in Sustainable Development and Global Governance at Carlos III University of Madrid. Her research interests focus on urban sustainability, resource management and the promotion of stakeholder cooperation and community engagement, integrating an intersectional gender approach.

  • María José Mateo

    Administrative Manager

    Ms María José Mateo Funes holds a master’s degree in Human Resources Management from the UDIMA (2013). She has been working for Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) since 2016. Before she joined the Postgraduate Center at the Puerta de Toledo Campus, she worked for the UC3M International School and the UC3M Human Resources unit.